Monday, April 29, 2013

Moving to Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin! I am migrating Adventures in Lacquer Land over to Bloglovin since Google Reader is closing down July 1st (wahhhhh). So please stop on by and follow me over there! I am figuring it out, but so far it doesn't seem too bad.


  1. Followed! Isn't it sad that GFC is closing down? I'm not a fan of that move.

    1. I thought GFC was still staying open? Ugh, if it's closing too, then bummer! I wish Google wasn't doing this.

  2. I read GFC is continuing - it's Google READER that is no more after July 1. I am a big NOT fan of Bloglovin - their email notice of new blogs comes way late and it's often something I never get to because it's overwhelming and I cannot tell what I really want to open and look at from the thumbnails that sometimes are there - other times nope no thumbnails show on the email little entry. I say keep the subscribe by email widget as that works best for many folks - certainly that is best for me. I HATE to have to get things by RSS feed and many many bloggers don't know how to put in any RSS feed address/code so you cannot 'subscribe' via RSS feed. I have a really hard time getting non tech folks (or even bloggers who have bloged for years to understand RSS, what it is, and why have it. But everyone gets what subscribe by email is - however far too many younger bloggers don't have a clue how many older less tech savvy readers they might have if they put in a follow via email widget. Tons of folks don't use Instagram or social media - others I know are leaving esp FB in droves - it's too huge - too time consuming - Twitter is really best only if you follow a very few folks other wise the feed is huge and impossible to keep up with. So again urging everyone to make sure they have a follow by email option.
